Musicians Querida • Gabes • Slow

Querida is a vocalist and guitarist. Since purchasing her first second-hand guitar, she has been weaving melodies using pop, R&B, and jazz to captivate audiences with soulful rhythms and vibrant harmonies.

Gabes Nombanza is a 28-year-old creative from Windhoek. He is a writer, actor, drummer, producer, and DJ.

Charl Vries, known as Slow, is a Namibian singer and guitarist who has been playing music since he was 12. Starting as a solo act, he performed original music in R&B, pop, jazz, and reggaeton styles. He has performed in Windhoek, Rehoboth, and Swakopmund at events such as Song Night, The Gathering, and the CampRock Festival.

In 2022, Querida, Gabes, and Slow provided the musical performances at the inaugural Doek Literary Festival.